Pronoun Number Agreement Examples

Pronoun number agreement is an essential concept in English grammar. It refers to the agreement between the pronoun used in a sentence and the noun or nouns it is replacing. The pronoun must agree in number with the noun, whether it is singular or plural.

To avoid any confusion, let`s take a closer look at some examples to understand pronoun number agreement in English.

Example 1: Singular noun with a singular pronoun

The teacher loves her job. (Correct)

The teacher loves their job. (Incorrect)

In this example, the noun is “teacher,” which is singular. The pronoun used to replace it is “her,” which is also singular. The sentence is grammatically correct because the pronoun agrees in number with the noun it is replacing.

Example 2: Plural noun with a plural pronoun

The students love their teachers. (Correct)

The students love his teachers. (Incorrect)

In this example, the noun is “students,” which is plural. The pronoun used to replace it is “their,” which is also plural. The sentence is grammatically correct because the pronoun agrees in number with the noun it is replacing.

Example 3: Singular noun with a plural pronoun

The boy loves their toys. (Incorrect)

The boy loves his toys. (Correct)

In this example, the noun is “boy,” which is singular. The pronoun used to replace it is “their,” which is plural. The sentence is grammatically incorrect because the pronoun does not agree in number with the noun it is replacing. The correct pronoun would be “his,” which is also singular.

Example 4: Plural noun with a singular pronoun

The children love his toy. (Incorrect)

The children love their toys. (Correct)

In this example, the noun is “children,” which is plural. The pronoun used to replace it is “his,” which is singular. The sentence is grammatically incorrect because the pronoun does not agree in number with the noun it is replacing. The correct pronoun would be “their,” which is also plural.

In conclusion, understanding pronoun number agreement is crucial for effective communication. It helps to avoid confusion and ensure that the sentence is grammatically correct. Remember to use a singular pronoun for a singular noun and a plural pronoun for a plural noun. By doing this, you can ensure that your writing is clear and concise.